Ⓦ Star Ocean 2 (PS1) Walkthrough ▪ Part 5, Events at Clik [Universe, ePSXe]

2015-12-24 2

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Not much to say here, since this part is mostly just cutscenes.

Main thing to note is that there's some good stuff to pickpocket here that you won't be able to steal once Clik is destroyed.

First up is the well-known Mischief item, which you can steal from Filia in Clik's only PA event. While not an absolute must-have, you'll get various free items (Sour Syrups, Magic Rocks, and Forged Medals are some of the better ones you can get) while walking around if it's equipped.

Since it's a PA, you'll need your main character to have the Dexterity talent (don't bother trying to steal if you don't have it), which you can't unlock for either Claude or Rena at this point; they'll need to have started with it.

The other two items I highly recommend stealing would be the Berserk Ring and Feet Symbol. You don't need to be in a PA to steal these, so you can always fall back on Celine if your main doesn't have Dexterity.

You'll be able to make both of these items a bit later, but having free early copies doesn't hurt (I'd especially recommend stealing these during Claude's scenario, since his trip through the Heraldry Forest is a bit harder than Rena's).
Game: Star Ocean: The Second Story
Platform: PSX
Developer: tri-Ace
Publisher: Enix Corporation

Rena's Story
Universe Difficulty

Played on ePSXe 1.9.0 emulator

VIDEO: Pete's OpenGL2 Driver 2.9
Resolution & Colors
- Fullscreen mode 1920x1080 32 Bit
- Internal X res: 2
- Internal Y res: 3
- Stretching mode: 0
- Render mode: 0

- Texture filtering: 2
- Hi-Res textures: 0
- Gfx card vram: 0 (Autodetect)

- "Use FPS limit" checked
- "Auto-detect FPS/Frame skipping limit" checked

- Off-Screen drawing: 1
- Framebuffer effects: 2
- Framebuffer upload: 1

Full screen filters
- "Screen filtering" checked
- Shader effects ➜ Fullscreen Smoothing ➜ 2

- "MDEC filter" checked

AUDIO: ePSXe SPU Core 1.9.0

i5-2500k @4.5GHz

Recorded with StarTech USB3HDCAP

Gameplay and Editing By: Wolfwood824
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